You’re Called to the Ministry. Now What? is a free e-book for individuals preparing for ministry and missions.
While there is much preparation involved in suiting up to go for the Lord, one aspect can be overlooked or not given much thought, and that is financing your education and preparation for ministry or missions. A close second is financing your launch. Let me strongly encourage you not to consider borrowing money. The world cannot offer any meaningful input for the believer when it comes to financing your education and preparation for God’s work. The world has no thought or concern of God’s ways, God’s will and God’s economy. You cannot use the world’s ways to finance your preparation for ministry and expect God to bless it. Now, you might wonder, “Then how am I going to pay for my education and preparation?”
This booklet answers that question.
Zacchaeus Financial Counseling, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing financial planning, financial counseling and financial coaching services regardless of the ability to pay to low-income households, households in crisis, and individuals in full-time Christian ministry. The author and founder of the organization, R. Joseph Ritter, Jr. CFP® EA, is an independent tax professional and financial planner and obtained his Masters degree in World Mission and Evangelism from Asbury Theological Seminary.