Anticipating the Return of Christ

Devotional Articles • Books • And More

Parental Discipline: Part 4

In this post, we will consider how parental discipline is an expression of love … for child and God. Scripture reading: John 10:25-29 “Nice” is not a word I like, but I have to admit it is easy to let it roll off my tongue. “Kind” and “love” are words I force...

Parental Discipline: Part 3

In this post, we will consider how parental discipline fulfills our parental accountability to Christ. Scripture reading: John 10:25-29 If I am faithful to the Lord as a parent, I cannot be held responsible for their decision to reject the Lord. However, if I am...

Parental Discipline: Part 2

In this post, we will consider how parental discipline models Christ for our children. Scripture reading: John 10:25-29 We as parents all have a duty to model the Lord to our children. Yes, we have a parental obligation to point them to Christ, but we also have a duty...

Parental Discipline: Part 1

In this post, we will consider how parental discipline points the child to Christ. Scripture reading: John 10:25-29 Parenting is tough. Of course, I was not a parent in the 1700s to know if things were any better then. With media demanding a huge chunk of our time,...