Anticipating the Return of Christ

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Scripture reading: Matthew 6:28-33

We have two lilies in the flower bed in front of our home. Living in Florida, it is a challenge to keep any kind of flowers growing well. We can have long periods without rain and blazing hot sunshine during the long summer days. The soil is not really soil at all. It is a sandy grit that holds little moisture or nutrients for long. Truly, growing flowers, especially non-native flowers, is a challenge in this environment.

Jesus is telling us that, if the lily will simply determine to live for Him, bloom in beauty for the glory of God and focus on creating the most beautiful flower, He will take care of the rest. He will take care of the rain, sunshine, and nutrients, those things which can be over-burdensome and those which are necessary but sometimes out of reach and out of our control. If the lily in my flower bed were to consider its environment and circumstances, it would likely determine that it did not have enough water or nutrients to risk a beautiful bloom, for the effort it takes to bring forth such a flower would likely result in death. Precious water and nutrients would be taken away from the stem and leaves and be poured into that which makes it beautiful.

What a crazy thought, right? Lilies can’t think for themselves! Yet this is the parable the Lord is giving us. Sometimes He uses the most silly thoughts to make His point.

Jesus is telling us here that, if we focus on following Him, letting our light shine as bright as possible for Him, advancing the gospel and showing compassion as if today was our last day to draw breath, and living with passion and enthusiasm for the gospel story, He will take care of the rest.

For many it may be difficult to draw to mind the image of a good employer. In their heart, however, most employers recognize that good employees must be nurtured, recognized, promoted and compensated. If we pour our heart and soul into our employer’s work, will he or she not recognize our effort and want to keep our efforts continuing? This is the message Jesus is giving us here.

If we are living for Him, really living for Him, shining bright as channels of His glory and spreading the message of the cross and God’s redemption story, showing love and compassion and kindness to others like no one else, He will see to it that we have the means to continue in this endeavor and that nothing will stop us. Nothing, that is, except our level of faith.

The decision rests squarely in our hands. The decision to blossom forth into a beautiful ray of God’s glory in a dark world is ours to make. We certainly do not stand in an elevated position of controlling the glory God receives, yet the decision to be a channel of His glory and His love rests with us. If we are not channeling His glory and His love into the world, then we are hindering it. Worry hinders our faith and blocks the work God wants to do in the world through us.

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